TweenGMS Pro v1.11
Script Reference


The TweenFire*() scripts are the default tweening scripts. Tweens created with TweenFire*() scripts are automatically destroyed when they are finished or if their target instance is destroyed. It is possible to ease up to 10 properties with a single tween.
A tween ID handle is returned from these scripts for manipulating a tween's state.

Creates and plays a tween which eases a property(variable) between two values over a set duration of time.
Tween is automatically destroyed when finished, stopped, or if its associated target instance is destroyed.
Returns unique tween id.

target Instance to associate with tween and its property
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
start Starting value of eased property
dest Destination value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,start,dest)
Returns: tween id

// Tween x position to mouse_x over 30 steps
TweenFire(id, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Tween instance's scale back and forth from 0 to 1 over 2.0 seconds
TweenFire(id, EaseInOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_PATROL, true, 0.0, 2.0, "image_xscale", 0, 1, "image_yscale", 0, 1);

Creates and plays a tween which eases a property(variable) to a specified value over a set duration of time.
Tween is automatically destroyed when finished, stopped, or if its associated target instance is destroyed.
Returns unique tween id.

target Instance to associate with tween and its property
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
to Destination value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,to)
Returns: tween id

// Tween x position to mouse_x over 30 steps
TweenFireTo(id, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "x", mouse_x);

// Double instances image scale over 1.0 second
TweenFireTo(id, EaseInOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_PATROL, true, 0.0, 1.0, "image_scale", 2.0);

Creates and plays a tween which eases a property(variable) from a specified value over a set duration of time.
Tween is automatically destroyed when finished, stopped, or if its associated target instance is destroyed.
Returns unique tween id.

target Instance to associate with tween and its property
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
from Starting value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,from)
Returns: tween id

// Tween x position from mouse_x over 30 steps
TweenFireFrom(id, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "x", mouse_x);

// Tween image scale from 2 to default value over 1.0 second
TweenFireFrom(id, EaseInOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_PATROL, true, 0.0, 1.0, "image_scale", 2.0);

Allows for chaining of tweens by adding a tween to be fired after the indicated tween finishes.
Multiple new tweens can be added to the same tween, allowing for branching chains.
Tween is automatically destroyed when finished, stopped, or if its associated target instance is destroyed.
Returns unique tween id.

tween Tween id
target Instance to associate with tween and its property
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
start Starting value of eased property
dest Destination value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,start,dest)
Returns: tween id

// Chain various tweens to fire one after another
tween1 = TweenFire(id, EaseOutBounce, 0, true, 0, 1.0, "y", -100, y);
tween2 = TweenMore(tween1, id, EaseInOutQuad, 0, true, 0, 0.5, "image_yscale", 1, 0.25);
tween3 = TweenMore(tween1, id, EaseInOutSine, 0, true, 0, 1.0, "image_angle", 0, 360);
tween4 = TweenMore(tween3, id, EaseInOutQuad, 0, true, 0, 2.0, "image_xscale", 1, 0.5);


TweenCreate() can be used to create predefined (or undefined) tweens which can be started later with TweenPlay(). Tweens created with this method will continue to exist until the target instance is destroyed or until TweenDestroy() is called. Unlike TweenFire(), these tweens are not automatically destroyed when finished playing. This allows you to reuse the same tween id.
It is possible to override a tween's predefined values with TweenPlay().
A tween ID handle is returned from these scripts for manipulating a tween's state.

Creates and returns a tween id to be played at a later time with TweenPlay(). Eases a property(variable) between two values over a set duration of time. The tween will continue to exist and be valid until its associated target instance is destroyed, or until TweenDestroy() is called. Tweens can be defined or undefined at creation.

target Instance to associate with tween and its property
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
start Starting value of eased property
dest Destination value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,start,dest)
Returns: tween id

// Create a defined tween, easing x position to mouse_x over 30 steps
tween = TweenCreate(id, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Create an undefined tween and override it with TweenPlay()
tweenY = TweenCreate(id);
TweenPlay(tweenY, EaseLinear, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "y", y, mouse_y); 

Starts playing tween[s] previously created with TweenCreate(). Can optionally override a predefined tween.

This function supports the "Tween Selection" scripts for starting multiple tweens at once.

tween[s] Previously created tween[s] id
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
start Starting value of eased property
dest Destination value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,start,dest)
Returns: na

// Tween x position to mouse_x over 30 steps
tweenX = TweenCreate(id, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Create an undefined tween and override it with TweenPlay()
tweenY = TweenCreate(id);
TweenPlay(tweenY, EaseLinear, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "y", y, mouse_y);

// This would optionally start both tweens at the same time by using the "Tween Selection" scripts
// But note that all tweens should be previously defined.
TweenPlay(Tweens(tweenX, tweenY));

Starts playing defined tween[s] previously created with TweenCreate() after a set duration of time.

This function supports the "Tween Selection" scripts for starting multiple tweens at once.

tween[s] Previously created tween[s] id
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween[s] in seconds or steps
Returns: na

// Tween x position to mouse_x over 30 steps after a 60 step delay
tweenX = TweenCreate(id, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 0, "x", x, mouse_x);
TweenPlayDelay(tweenX, 60);

Allows a previously created tween to be defined or redefined.

tween Previously created tween id
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
mode Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****)
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
dur Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
prop Property variable string (e.g. "x", "direction", "speed")
start Starting value of eased property
dest Destination value of eased property
... Additional properties (in order: prop,start,dest)
Returns: tween id

// Create an undefined tween, then define it with TweenDefine() before playing
tween = TweenCreate(id);
TweenDefine(tween, EaseOutQuad, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, false, 0, 30, "x", x, mouse_x);


TweenScript() and TweenMoreScript() schedule scripts to be executed after a set duration of time. This allows for TweenGMS to be used not only for tweening, but also for the control of script flow. A regular tween id handle is returned from these scripts, just like TweenFire() or TweenCreate(). This allows you to manipulate scheduled scripts like any other tween, with scripts such as TweenPause() or TweenResume(). When combined with TweenFire() and TweenMore(), there is the possiblity to create advanced tween sequences with greater control.

Schedules a script to be executed after a set duration of time. Returns a tween id handle so it can be manipulated like a regular tween.

target Instance to associate with script execution
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
dur Duration of time before script is called
script Script to execute when timer expires
[arg0,...] (Optional) Arguments to pass to script
Returns: tween id

// Display a message after 1 second
ts = TweenScript(id, true, 1.0, ShowMessage, "Hello, World!");

// Schedule another script to be fired 2 seconds after first one finishes
ts = TweenMoreScript(ts, id, true, 2.0, ShowMessage, "Goodbye, World!");

// Fire a tween after showing second message
t = TweenMore(ts, id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "image_scale", 1.0, 0.0); 

Allows for the chaining of script scheduling. Returns a tween id handle so it can be manipulated like a regular tween.

tween Tween id
target Instance to associate with script execution
delta Whether to set timing in seconds(true) or steps (false)
dur Duration of time before script is called
script Script to execute when timer expires
[arg0,...] (Optional) Arguments to pass to script
Returns: tween id

// Display a message after 1 second
ts = TweenScript(id, true, 1.0, ShowMessage, "Hello, World!");

// Schedule another script to be fired 2 seconds after first one finishes
ts = TweenMoreScript(ts, id, true, 2.0, ShowMessage, "Goodbye, World!");

// Fire a tween after showing second message
t = TweenMore(ts, id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "image_scale", 1.0, 0.0);


"Easy Tweens" are convenient for new users. They cover the most basic needs for easing instance values, such as position, rotation, and scaling. They are automatically destroyed when finished and automatically override any existing tweens using the same property/variable.
A tween ID handle is returned from these scripts for later manipulating a tween's state.
The default timing method(steps) for easy tweens can be switched to seconds by using TweenEasyUseDelta(true).

Eases the position of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

x1 Starting x value
y1 Starting y value
x2 Destination x value
y2 Destination y value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween x position to mouse_x over 30 steps after a 60 step delay
TweenEasyMove(x, y, mouse_x, mouse_y, 60, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image angle of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

angle1 Starting image angle value
angle2 Destination image angle value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween image angle from 0 to 360 over 30 steps
TweenEasyRotate(0, 360, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image x/y scale of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

x1 Starting xscale value
y1 Starting yscale value
x2 Destination xscale value
y2 Destination yscale value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween image x/y scale from 1.0 to 2.0 over 30 steps
TweenEasyScale(1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the direction of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

dir1 Starting direction value
dir2 Destination direction value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween instance's direction from 0 to 360 over 30 steps
TweenEasyTurn(0, 360, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image alpha of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

alpha1 Starting alpha value
alpha2 Destination alpha value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween instance's image alpha from 0.0 to 1.0 over 30 steps
TweenEasyFade(0.0, 1.0, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image blend colour of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

col1 Starting image blend colour
col2 Destination image blend colour
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween instance's image blend colour from white to red over 30 steps
TweenEasyBlend(c_white, c_red, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image index of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

index1 Starting image index value
index2 Destination image index value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween instance's image index from first to last frame over 30 steps
TweenEasyImage(0, image_number-1, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image index of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

speed1 Starting image index value
speed2 Destination image index value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween instance's speed from 0 to 10 over 30 steps
TweenEasySpeed(0, 10, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Eases the image index of an instance. Can optionally supply a [mode] argument. Default mode is TWEEN_MODE_ONCE.

hspeed1 Starting hspeed value
vspeed1 Starting vspeed value
hspeed2 Destination hspeed value
vspeed2 Destination vspeed value
delay Amount of time to delay start of tween in seconds or steps
duration Duration of time to ease property from start to destination
ease Ease algorithm script (e.g. EaseInOutQuad)
[mode] (Optional) Play mode constant (0-4) (TWEEN_MODE_****) default = TWEEN_MODE_ONCE
Returns: tween id

// Tween instance's hspeed/vspeed from 0 to 10 over 30 steps
TweenEasySpeedHV(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

Toggles between step(false) and delta(true) timing for all "Easy Tweens".
The default timing is step timing (false).

use_seconds? Use seconds?
Returns: na

// Tween instance's position over 30 steps
TweenEasyMove(x, y, mouse_x, mouse_y, 0, 30, EaseInOutQuad);

// Change default timing method to true (use seconds)

// Tween instance's angle over 3.5 seconds
TweenEasyMoveRotate(0, 360, 0, 3.5, EaseInQuad);


The Tweens*() selection scripts allow you to select multiple tweens for scripts supporting the "tween[s]" multi-tween parameter.

Selects and returns the indicated tween id[s]. Supported by all tween scripts which have the multi-tween parameter "tween[s]"

tween1 First selected tween
tween2 Second selected tween
[...] (Optional) Additional tweens
Returns: tween id[s]

// Pause all indicated tweens
TweenPause(Tweens(tweenOne, tweenTwo, tweenDerp));

Selects and returns all tween id[s]. Supported by all tween scripts which have the multi-tween parameter "tween[s]"
The built-in keyword "all" can be used instead.

Returns: tween id[s]

// Pause all tweens

// Resume all tweens with alternate "all" keyword

Selects and returns all tween id[s] associated with a group id. Supported by all tween scripts which have the multi-tween parameter "tween[s]"

group Tween group id
Returns: tween id[s]

// Pause all tweens associated with group 2

Selects and returns all tween id[s] associated with a target instance. Supported by all tween scripts which have the multi-tween parameter "tween[s]"

target Target instance id or object index
Returns: tween id[s]

// Pause all tweens associated with a target instance id

// Resume all tweens associated with a target's object index

Whether or not "Tweens*()" scripts should return tween[s] associated with deactivated targets.
Default = false

include_deactivated? Include tweens belonging to deactivated targets/instances?
Returns: na

// Set Tweens*() scripts to include deactivated targets

// Pause all tweens, even tweens associated with deactivated instances 


The following scripts can change the play state of a tween, such as pausing and resuming.

Pauses the indicated tween

tween[s] Tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Pause the tween

Resumes the indicated tween

tween[s] Tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Pause the tween

// Resume the tween

Stops the indicated tween

tween[s] Tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Stop the tween

Reverses the indicated tween

tween[s] Tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, TWEEN_MODE_PATROL, true, 0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Reverse the tween

Immediately finishes the indicated tween. It also asks if you want to call any "finish" event callbacks.

tween[s] Tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Finish tween and call "finish" event
TweenFinish(tween, true);

Immediately finishes a tween's delay and starts playing the tween. It also asks if you want to call any associated "delay finish" event callbacks.

tween[s] Tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Fire tween with a 3.0 second delay
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 3.0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Finish the tweens delay and start playing... call delay's "finish" event
TweenFinishDelay(tween, true);


The following scripts allow you to check the current state of a tween, such as whether it exists or is currently playing.

Returns true if the indicated tween exists.

tween Tween id
Returns: bool

// Fire tween from x/y to mouse_x/mouse_y
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", x, mouse_x, "y", y, mouse_y);

// Pause the tween if it exists
if (TweenExists(tween))

Returns true if the tween is playing or actively processing a delay.
This is similar to TweenIsPlaying(), except that it also returns true if the tween is delayed.

tween Tween id
Returns: bool

// Fire tween with a 3.0 second delay
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 3.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Pause the tween if it is playing or delayed
if (TweenIsActive(tween))

Returns true if the tween is playing.
This is similar to TweenIsActive(), except that it will return false if the tween is delayed.

tween Tween id
Returns: bool

// Fire tween with a 3.0 second delay
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 3.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Pause the tween if it is playing
if (TweenIsPlaying(tween))
Returns true if the tween is paused.

tween Tween id
Returns: bool

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Pause tween

// Resume the tween if it is paused
if (TweenIsPaused(tween))
Returns true if the tween is stopped.

tween Tween id
Returns: bool

// Fire tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Pause tween

// Show message if tween is stopped
if (TweenIsStopped(tween))
    show_message("Tween Stopped!");

=== GET / SET ===

These scripts let you access or update various tween data properties, such as a tween's duration or starting value.

Accesses specific data for a given tween by using a specified data label. If a tween has multiple properties, "start", "destination", and "property" will return an array of values.
	Supported Data Labels:
        "group"         -- Group which tween belongs to
        "time"          -- Current time of tween in steps or seconds
        "time_amount"   -- Sets the tween's time by a relative amount between 0.0 and 1.0 
        "time_scale"    -- How fast a tween updates : Default = 1.0
        "duration"      -- How long a tween takes to fully animate in steps or seconds
        "ease"          -- The easing algorithm used by the tween
        "mode"          -- The play mode used by the tween (ONCE, BOUNCE, PATROL, LOOP)
        "target"        -- Target instance associated with tween
        "delta"         -- Toggle timing between seconds(true) and steps(false)
        "delay"         -- Current timer of active delay
        "delay_start"   -- The starting duration for a delay timer
        "start"         -- Start value of the property or properties
        "destination"   -- Destination value of the property or properties
        "property"      -- Property or properties effected by the tween
TweenGet(tween, dataLabel)
tween Valid tween id
dataLabel Specified data label
Returns: real/string

// Fire a tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Track tween's start and destination values
start = TweenGet(tween, "start");
destination = TweenGet(tween, "destination");

Changes the specific data for a given tween by using a specified data label. For tweens with multiple properties, "start", "destination", and "property" can be supplied additional arguments. Use keyword [undefined] to leave a value unchanged.
    Supported Data Labels:
        "group"         -- Group which tween belongs to
        "time"          -- Current time of tween in steps or seconds
        "time_amount"   -- Sets the tween's time by a relative amount between 0.0 and 1.0 
        "time_scale"    -- How fast a tween updates : Default = 1.0
        "duration"      -- How long a tween takes to fully animate in steps or seconds
        "ease"          -- The easing algorithm used by the tween
        "mode"          -- The play mode used by the tween (ONCE, BOUNCE, PATROL, LOOP)
        "target"        -- Target instance associated with tween
        "delta"         -- Toggle timing between seconds(true) and steps(false)
        "delay"         -- Current timer of active delay
        "delay_start"   -- The starting duration for a delay timer
        "start"         -- Start value of the property or properties
        "destination"   -- Destination value of the property or properties
        "property"      -- Property or properties effected by the tween
            tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", 0, 100);
            TweenSet(tween, "duration", 2.5);
    // The following labels can update multiple properties by supplying
    // values in the same order the properties were first assigned:
            tween = Tween(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", 0, 100, "y", 0, 100); // multi-property tween (x/y)
            TweenSet(tween, "start", mouse_x, mouse_y); // update to x/y mouse coordinates
    // The keyword [undefined] can be used to leave a property value unchanged
            TweenSet(tween, "start", undefined, mouse_y); // update "y" but leave "x" unchanged
TweenSet(tween[s], dataLabel, value, ...)
tween[s] Valid tween id[s]
dataLabel Specified data label
value New data value
... (optional) additional values for modifying multi-property tweens
Returns: na

// Fire a new tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0, 1, "x", 0, 100);

// Change tween's duration to 2.5 seconds
TweenSet(tween, "duration", 2.5);


Tweens are automatically memory managed. Tweens created with TweenFire*() will automatically be destroyed when they finish or when their target instance is destroyed. However, tweens created with TweenCreate() will auto-destroy only if their target instance is destroyed; they will not auto-destruct when the tween finishes but will continue to be valid.
However, it is possible to manually destroy a tween if desired using TweenDestroy() or TweenDestroySafe(). It is also possible to force a tween to auto-destroy when finished with TweenDestroyWhenDone().

Manually destroys tween[s].

tween[s] Valid tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Create an undefined tween
tween = TweenCreate(id);

// Manually destroy the tween

Manually destroys tween[s]. However, unlike TweenDestroy(), no error will be reported if the tween isn't valid.

tween[s] Valid tween id[s]
Returns: na

// Manually destroy the tween without checking if it is valid. No error will occur. BE CAREFUL!

Sets whether or not a tween should auto-destroy when it is finished playing.
Default = true for TweenFire().
Default = false for TweenCreate().

TweenDestroyWhenDone(tween[s], destroy, kill_target)
tween[s] Valid tween id[s]
destroy? Destroy tween when finished?
kill_target? Destroy the associated target instance when finished?
Returns: na

// Create an undefined tween
tween = TweenCreate(id);

// Force tween to auto-destroy when it is finished playing
TweenDestroyWhenDone(tween, true);


The special tween handles are valid tween id's used for specific cases, such as setting a variable to a null tween with TweenNull(), or to change the default behaviour of newly created tweens with TweenDefault().

Returns a null tween reference which can be safely called by tween scripts without causing an error.
Checking if a null tween exists will return false.

Returns: null tween id

// Set "tween" variable to a null tween id
tween = TweenNull();

// No error will be occur if tween is null

// Check if the tween exists
if (TweenExists(tween))
    // ... this won't execute if tween is null

Returns a default tween reference which modifies the default state for new tweens.

Returns: default tween id

// Set the default group for new tweens to 2
TweenSet(TweenDefault(), "group", 2);

// New tween will belong to group 2
TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

=== TOOLS ===

Various additional scripts for your convenience!

Works simliar to GameMaker's lerp() function, except that it takes an extra parameter for the ease type.

value1 start value
value2 end value
amount amount to interpolate value (0-1)
ease ease algorithm script
Returns: real

// Find eased value between 0 and 100 at amount of 0.75 with EaseInOutQuad
value = Ease(0, 100, 0.75, EaseInOutQuad);

Steps a tween forward or backward by a given amount.
The direction can be a decimal (floating point) value.
Using 1.0 or -1.0 will step a tween 1 step in the indicated direction.
Lesser values, such as 0.5, will step the tween half a step foward.
Greater values, such as 2.0, will step a tween 2 steps forward.
TweenStep(tween[s], amount)
tween[s] Valid tween id[s]
amount Amount to step tween[s]
Returns: real

// Step a tween forward at half speed
TweenStep(tween1, 0.5);

// Step another tween backward at double speed
TweenStep(tween2, -2.0);

Allows for the tweening of a path resource.
target Target instance
ease Ease script
mode Tween play mode constant
delta Use seconds?
delay Time to delay start of tween
dur Duration of time to play tween
path Path id
absolute Absolute path position?
Returns: tween id

// Fire a tween using a GameMaker path
TweenPath(id, EaseLinear, TWEEN_MODE_ONCE, true, 0.0, 1.0, path1, true);

Returns a calculated value using a tween's current state.

tween Tween ID
Returns: real

// Get value of a tween using it's current state
value = TweenCalc(tween);

Returns a calculated value using a tween's current state at a specified point in time.
Note: Useful with null property setters which can be set by using TPNull() as the property argument.

tween Tween ID
Returns: real

// Create defined tween with a duration of 3.0 seconds
tween = TweenCreate(id, EaseInOutQuint, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPNull(), x, mouse_x);
// Calculate value of tween at 1.5 seconds
x = TweenCalcTime(tween, 1.5);

Returns a calculated value using a tween's current state at a relevant point in time.
Note: Useful with null property setters which can be set by using TPNull() as the property argument.

tween Tween ID
Returns: real

// Create defined tween with a duration of 3.0 seconds
tween = TweenCreate(id, EaseInOutQuint, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPNull(), x, mouse_x);
// Calculate value of tween at 25% through time
x = TweenCalcAmount(tween, 0.25);


Advanced tween property (TP*) scripts can be used in place of a property for more advanced uses. They include the ability to ease values belonging to various data structures. They can also be used to pass extended data to an advanced property script, or to use User Events for advanced properties.

Returns a null property which eases no value directly.
This is useful if you want to manually calculate the tweened value with the TweenCalc() script.

Returns: null property

// Tween a null property from 0 to 100
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, TPNull(), 0, 100);
// Manually calculate and store the tween's current value
myValue = TweenCalc(tween);

Prepares an extended property script with custom arguments to be passed to it.

property Property script id
arg0... Data to be passed to advanced property script
Returns: extended property

// Create a defined tween with an extended property
tween = TweenCreate(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPExt(extColourBlend, c_red, c_blue), 0, 1);
/// extColourBlend Setter Script
var _value = argument0;
var _data = argument1;
var _target = argument2;
_target.image_blend = merge_colour(_data[0], _data[1], _value);

Prepares an extended property with custom arguments to be passed to a user event for calculation.

user_event An object's user event
arg0... (optional) Values to be passed to advanced property script
Returns: extended property

// Create a defined tween with an extended property
tween = TweenCreate(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPUser(0, c_red, c_blue), 0, 1);
/// User Event 0
var _value = TWEEN_USER_VALUE;
var _data = TWEEN_USER_DATA;
var _target = TWEEN_USER_TARGET;
_target.image_blend = merge_colour(_data[0], _data[1], _value);

Passes an explicit instance and it's variable name to be tweened.
NOTE: Normalized properties are not supported. This means that "image_blend" will not work.
WARNING: Error will occur if instance is destroyed during tween duration.

inst Instance id
name Variable name
Returns: array property

// Tween image_scale for self and obj_Dude
TweenFire(self, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0, 1, "image_scale", 1, 2, TPInst(obj_Dude, "image_scale"), 1, 4);

Passes an explicit struct and it's property name to be tweened.
NOTE: Optimised get/set property functions will not be used.

struct Struct
name Property name
Returns: array property

// Tween "value" for self and for some_struct
TweenFire(self, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0, 1, "value", 0, 50, TPStruct(some_struct, "value"), 0, 100);

Passes an array and its indexed value to be tweened. It supports both 1d and 2d arrays depending on the number of arguments supplied.

array Valid array
x The x index for array
[y] (optional) The y index for a 2d array
Returns: array property

// Create a 1d array and pass it as the tween property with TPArray().
myArray[0] = 0;
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPArray(myArray, 0), 0, 100);
// Get value from tweened array index
value = myArray[0];

Passes a list and its indexed value to be tweened.

list Valid ds_list id
index The index of the list to tween
Returns: list property

// Create a list and pass it as the tween property with TPList().
myList = ds_list_create();
myList[| 0] = 0;
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPList(myList, 0), 0, 100);
// Get value from tweened array index
value = myList[| 0];

Passes a map and its key value to be tweened.

map Valid map id
key The key of the map to tween
Returns: map property

// Create a map and pass it as the tween property with TPMap().
myMap = ds_map_create();
myMap[? "key"] = 0;
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPMap(myList, "key"), 0, 100);
// Get value from tweened map key
value = myMap[? "key"];

Passes a grid and its indexed value to be tweened.

grid Valid grid id
x The x index for grid
y The y index for grid
Returns: grid property

// Create a grid and pass it as the tween property with TPGrid().
myGrid = ds_grid_create(10,10);
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 3.0, TPGrid(myGrid, 2, 4), 0, 100);
// Get value from tweened grid index
value = myGrid(# 2, 4);


Event callbacks allow you to execute scripts or user events when a specified tween event occurs.
The following tween events are:
	TWEEN_EV_PLAY		-- When tween starts to play
	TWEEN_EV_FINISH		-- When tween is finished playing
	TWEEN_EV_STOP		-- When tween is manually stopped
	TWEEN_EV_PAUSE		-- When tween is paused
	TWEEN_EV_RESUME		-- When tween is resumed
	TWEEN_EV_REVERSE  	-- When tween is reversed
There are also events for delayed tweens:

	TWEEN_EV_FINISH_DELAY	-- When a tween's delay expires
	TWEEN_EV_STOP_DELAY  	-- When a delayed tween is stopped
	TWEEN_EV_PAUSE_DELAY	-- When a delayed tween is paused
	TWEEN_EV_RESUME_DELAY	-- When a paused delayed tween is resumed

Adds a function or method to be executed at a specified tween event.
Multiple callbacks can be added to the same tween event.
Providing undefined as the target will have the function/method's existing "self" used as the target.
If the function/method's self is undefined, then undefined will simply be the same as using self.

tween Tween id
event Tween event macro (e.g. TWEEN_EV_FINISH)
target Instance id or struct (or undefined to use method's self)
script Function id or method
[arg0...] (optional) Arguments to pass to script
Returns: callback id

// Fire a tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseInQuad, 1, true, 0.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Have a function execute when tween finishes
TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Finished!");

// Add callback using a method from another object -- Use undefined target to retain method's existing "self" (obj_Player)
TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_CONTINUE, undefined, obj_Player.Jump);

// Omitting a target will also make it undefined and use the method's "self" environment, like the line above
TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_CONTINUE, , obj_Player.SayWahoo);

Adds a user event to be called for the specified event.

tween Tween id
event Tween event macro (e.g. TWEEN_EV_FINISH)
target Target instance id
user_event Object user event (e.g. 0-15)
Returns: callback id

// Fire a tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseInQuad, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "x", x, mouse_x);

// Have a user event 5 execute when tween finishes
cb = TweenAddCallbackUser(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, 5);

Returns a null callback id.

Returns: null callback id

// Set a null callback
cb = TweenCallbackNull();

// No error will occur when calling null callback

Invalidates (destroys) the given callback id.

callback Callback id
Returns: na

// Add callback to a tween
cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");

// Invalidate (destroy) the callback if valid
if (TweenCallbackIsValid(cb))
    show_message("Callback already invalidated!");

Checks if a callback id is valid.

callback Callback id
Returns: bool

// Add callback to a tween
cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");

// Check if a callback id is valid
if (TweenCallbackIsValid(cb))
    show_message("Callback is valid!");
    show_message("Callback is not valid!");

Allows callbacks to be temporarily disabled/enabled.

callback Callback id
enable Enable the callback?
Returns: na

// Add callback to a tween
cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");

// Temporarily disable the callback
TweenCallbackEnable(tween, false);

// Re-enable the disabled callback
TweenCallbackEnable(tween, true);

Checks if callback is enabled.

callback Callback id
Returns: bool

// Add callback to a tween
cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");

// Temporarily disable the callback
TweenCallbackEnable(tween, false);

// Show message if callback not enabled
if (TweenCallbackIsEnabled(cb) == false)
    show_message("Callback is disabled!");


Allows you to manage whole tween events related to event callbacks.

Invalidates all callbacks associated with specified tween event.

TweenEventClear(tween[s], event)
tween[s] Tween id[s]
event Tween event macro (e.g. TWEEN_EV_FINISH)
Returns: na

// Fire a tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "y", y, mouse_y);

// Add callback to tween
cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");

// Invalidate all callbacks associated with tween event "finish"
TweenEventClear(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH);

Enables/disables specified tween event.

TweenEventEnable(tween[s], event)
tween[s] Tween id[s]
event Tween event macro (e.g. TWEEN_EV_FINISH)
enable? Enable event?
Returns: na

// Fire a tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "y", y, mouse_y);

// Add callback to tween
cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");

// Disable event callbacks associated with tween event "finish"
TweenEventEnable(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, false);

Checks if the specified callback event is enabled.

TweenEventIsEnabled(tween, event)
tween Tween id
event Tween event macro (e.g. TWEEN_EV_FINISH)
Returns: bool

// Fire a tween
tween = TweenFire(id, EaseLinear, 0, true, 0.0, 1.0, "y", y, mouse_y);

// Add callback to tween if event is enabled
if (TweenEventIsEnabled(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH))
    cb = TweenAddCallback(tween, TWEEN_EV_FINISH, id, ShowMessage, "Hi!");


Scripts for managing system-wide state.

Accesses system data state by using a specified data label.
	"enabled"		// is system enabled?
	"time_scale"		// global time scale
	"update_interval"	// how often system should update in steps (default = 1)
	"min_delta_fps"		// minimum frame rate before delta time lags behind (default=10)
	"auto_clean_count"	// number of tweens to check for auto-cleaning each step (default=10)
	"delta_time"		// tweening systems internal delta time
	"delta_time_scaled" 	// tweening systems scaled delta time
dataLabel Specified data label
Returns: real

// Get the system's current time scale value
timeScale = TweenSystemGet("time_scale");

Updates system data state by using a specified data label.
	"enabled"		// set system enabled state
	"time_scale"		// global time scale
	"update_interval"	// how often system should update in steps (default = 1)
	"min_delta_fps"		// minimum frame rate before delta time lags behind (default=10)
	"auto_clean_count"	// number of tweens to check for auto-cleaning each step (default=10)
TweenSystemSet(dataLabel, value)
dataLabel Specified data label
value New data value
Returns: na

// Set the system's current time scale to 0.5 (half speed)
TweenSystemSet("time_scale", 0.5);

Returns total number of tweens in system, excluding those in inactive persistent rooms. Can pass optional label in for counting only specific tweens.
dataLabel (optional) Specified data label
Returns: real

// Get number of tweens in system
tCountAll = TweenSystemCount();

// Get number of tweens playing 
tCountPlaying = TweenSystemCount("playing");

Clears tweens in inactive persistent room(s).

room Room index or [all] keyword for all rooms
Returns: na

// Destroy tweens in persistent menu room

// Destroy tweens in all persistent rooms 

Overrides passive memory manager by immediately removing all destroyed tweens from the system.

Returns: na

// Immediately flush all destroyed tweens from system

Activate obj_SharedTweener controller object if deactivated. Only use if you know what you're doing! :)

Returns: na

// Activate the shared tweener controller object if deactivated

Destroys obj_SharedTweener controller object. Only use this if you know what you're doing!

Returns: na

// Destroy the shared tweener controller object


Required for creating optimised, extended, or normalized properties. These should be called once at the start of your game. Ideal for advanced users only.

Inside TweenGMS -> User -> Properties -> TGMS_DefaultProperties, please see "x" for an instance example, "image_blend" for a normalized example, "score" for a global example, and "background_colour" for a normalized global example.

To optimise property performance, you must create a SETTER and GETTER script for each property before calling TGMS_BuildProperty().
	/// SETTER SCRIPT --> myVariable__
	function myVariable__()
	    var _value = argument0; // updated value is passed as argument0
	    var _target = argument1; // target instance is passed as argument1
	    _target.myVariable = _value; // update instance's "myVariable" to updated value
	/// GETTER SCRIPT --> __myVariable
	function __myVariable()
	    var _target = argument0; // target instance is passed as argument0
	    return _target.myVariable; // return the target instance's "myVariable" value
	/// Apply property builder with scripts above, only once at start of game
	TGMS_BuildProperty("myVariable", myVariable__, __myVariable);
	/// SETTER SCRIPT --> myValue__
	function myValue__()
	    var _value = argument0; // updated value is passed as argument0
	    global.myValue = _value; // update global "myValue" to updated value
	/// GETTER SCRIPT --> __myValue
	function __myValue()
	    return global.myValue; // return the global value "myValue"
	/// Apply property builder with scripts above, only once at start of game
	TGMS_BuildProperty("myValue", myValue__, __myValue);

Prepares a property to be optimised for better performance.

TGMS_BuildProperty("label", setter, getter)
label String to associate with property
setter Setter script to associate with property
getter Getter script to associate with property
Returns: na

// Prepare a property to be optmised with a setter and getter script
TGMS_BuildProperty("x", x__, __x);

Prepares a property to be normalized for values between 0-1. Look up the image_blend__, and __image_blend scripts for an example.

TGMS_BuildPropertyNormalize("label", setter, getter)
label String to associate with property
setter Setter script to associate with property
getter Getter script to associate with property
Returns: na

// Prepare a property to be normalized for values between 0-1.
TGMS_BuildPropertyNormalize("image_blend", image_blend__, __image_blend);